The way things are going at work right now, I don't know if I will be able to compete this year or not. But we (myself & Julie) are still going to the KCBS judging class later this month.
It is taught by Music City Pig Pal (tag team duo) Bobbie & Lee McWright.
Dear Friends,
My wife Bobbie and I are known as Music City Pig Pals/Music City Catering*. We work as co-executive chefs of Music City Catering and have been in the food service business for more than twenty years. We are certified KCBS representatives and judges. We have competed in over one hundred barbeque related contests under the name Music City Pig Pals since 1992. In the first six contests of 2004, we competed in twenty-four categories and finished in the top ten fourteen times, as well as finishing in the top ten overall standings four times. In May, we won the prestigious Alabama Triple Crown. From September 2001 thru January 2005, we won 11 Grand Championships, 8 Reserve Grand Championships, 10 Reserve-Reserve Grand Championships, and in 2003, finished numerous times in the top 10. We were KCBS second runner-up for Team Of The Year in 2001 and 6th place in 2003. We also won Top five Chicken Team of The Year 2001, 2002 and 2003. We received 7th place Team of The Year Brisket in 2003. In 2003, I became the Executive Chef and National spokesperson for Fiesta Gas Grill Company.I have heard, that these two are good folks. So, if it does just so happen out that we can't compete this year, we can still be judges at some contest. I would like to compete in at least one or two this year and try to make a full schedule of it next year. Or I may just become a full time judge.
Again, it depends on the numb nuts at work. Right now, they can't even blow their nose without having to ask 15 people for permission and I can't get a straight answer out of anybody about what's going to happen next and when.
Cooking is like therapy, it keeps me from doing dishes...Big Daddy